Do Evolutionary Lines Continue Sos Chains

S.O.S. Battles

S.O.S. Battles are a new featured introduced in Pok�mon Sun & Moon where wild Pok�mon will call for help, and this returns here. This is most notably seen during the Totem Battles in the Island Trials, but they also happen in standard wild encounters. As a Pok�mon gets lower and lower in health, they will often call for help. This will bring another Pok�mon into the battle, causing it to become a Double Battle against your single Pok�mon. .

As the S.O.S. Battles chain, there are a variety of perks. As the chain increases, you have a higher chance of getting Pok�mon with maximum IVs, capping at 4 max IVs. This is also the only way you can find Pok�mon with their Hidden Abilities. In addition to that, the likelihood of encountering a Shiny Pok�mon also increases. This resets when an SOS Battle ends either through defeating all Pok�mon or by causing a Pok�mon of an evolution line different to the original Pok�mon be the last on the field.

  • Defeated Pok�mon - 5+ - 1 IV of 31 Guaranteed
  • Defeated Pok�mon - 10+ - 5% Chance of Hidden Ability
  • Defeated Pok�mon - 10+ - 2 IVs of 31 Guaranteed
  • Defeated Pok�mon - 20+ - 10% Chance of Hidden Ability
  • Defeated Pok�mon - 20+ - 3 IVs of 31 Guaranteed
  • Defeated Pok�mon - 30+ - 30% Chance of Hidden Ability
  • Defeated Pok�mon - 30+ - 4 IVs of 31 Guaranteed
  • Defeated Pok�mon - 30+ - Shiny Pok�mon Chance increased by 3 giving a 1 in 315 chance without Shiny Charm and 1 in 273 chance with Shiny Charm

For competitive players, there's yet another perk. As you progress through the chain, the Effort Points yielded from each Pok�mon are multiplied by 2 which results in the Effort Values you receive getting increased. As such, with this, a Power Item and Pok�Rus, you can get 36 Effort Points from one Pok�mon being defeated and max a stat out in 7 KOs in a chain. Do note, however, that a chain will reset at 255

Activating S.O.S. Battles

S.O.S. Battles can happen in any battle, but due to the Effort Point element and Shiny Pok�mon element, you may wish to force it to carry on. There are many ways to make S.O.S. Battles more likely. The first is to simply keep the Pok�mon at a low amount of health. A move such as a False Swipe will work for this. Here, the Pok�mon has a higher chance of calling for help. It won't call for help if it currently has assistance. As of Pok�mon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, this has been altered to have it so wild Pok�mon will only call for help once unless you use an Adrenaline Orb.

The best way is to use the item, the Adrenaline Orb. This item is found in all Pok�mon Centers and, when used during a wild battle, will make the likelihood of the Pok�mon calling for help even higher. You can only use one per battle, but the effect should last for the duration

The ability of the Pok�mon you have in battle is also one that factors into S.O.S. Battles. If your Pok�mon has the abilties Intimidate, Pressure or Unnerve then the opposing Pok�mon is 20% more likely to call for help.

Do note that even if a Pok�mon calls for help, it is not guaranteed that a wild Pok�mon will come to its aid. If it is afflicted by a status condition, then it will not call for help. Legendary Pok�mon and Island Scan Pok�mon will not call for help. Minior & Komala also won't call for help.

S.O.S. Battles - Different Pok�mon

The even better thing about S.O.S. Battles is that they don't necessarily call the same Pok�mon. In the encounter listings, there are up to 8 different rows of Pok�mon and when a Pok�mon calls for help, it will select a random encounter row and give you a Pok�mon of the same slot in that row as the Pok�mon you are facing. Our Pok�arth Section allows for checking these tables.

Due to this, there are many Pok�mon that will only appear when you call for an S.O.S. Battle, such as Mareanie. You can also get low level versions of fully evolved Pok�mon, like a Salamence when you have an SOS Battle with Bagon in Route 3. If you knock out the original Pok�mon and the new Pok�mon isn't part of the same evolution line, then no more Pok�mon will be called

In addition to this, certain forms of Floette and Flab�b� can only be obtained through S.O.S. Battles.

List of Pok�mon Exclusive to S.O.S. Battles

List of Pok�mon Exclusive to Weather S.O.S. Battles


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